Shell Catalysts & Technologies

LinkedIn campaign creative

Illustration and design while employed as Senior Designer at Ironpaper.
Refresh Shell Catalysts & Technologies' LinkedIn creative to boost engagement with target audiences. Part of this exercise included a slightly separate creative direction promoting a series of blog interviews with Shell employees.
We implemented more of the secondary color palette, illustrative elements, and bold typography. The solid colors really stand out on LinkedIn feeds among the stock photos and Canva templates, yet still fall within the brand's guidelines and spirit.

Creative refresh

Pairing cutout headshots with graphic "molecules" was a flexible way to create compelling graphics to accompany each post.

How I Make Every Molecule Matter

A gestural illustration style with the grid-based Shell brand guidelines created an appealing juxtaposition.
But wait, there's more!
In addition to LinkedIn creative direction seen here, I helped with UI and web design, lucrative internal presentation, and long-form PDF collateral design for Shell Catalysts & Technologies while at Ironpaper.